Ins 3.25(8)(cm) (cm) No policy, certificate of insurance, notice of proposed insurance, nor any application, endorsement or rider, shall be issued or used until 30 days after it has been filed, unless the commissioner gives prior written approval.
Ins 3.25(8)(d) (d) The commissioner may, at any time after a hearing held not less than 20 days after written notice to the insurer, withdraw approval of any form on any ground set forth in par. (b). The written notice of the hearing shall state the reason for the proposed withdrawal of approval. The insurer shall not issue or use any form after the effective date of the withdrawal of the approval.
Ins 3.25(9) (9) Premiums and refunds.
Ins 3.25(9)(a)(a) Any insurer may revise its schedules of premium rates from time to time, and shall file such revised schedules with the commissioner. No insurer shall issue any credit life insurance policy or credit accident and sickness insurance policy if the premium rate exceeds that established by the filed rate schedules of the insurer.
Ins 3.25(9)(b) (b) The amount charged to a debtor for any credit life or credit accident and sickness insurance shall not exceed the premiums charged by the insurer, as computed at the time the charge to the debtor is determined.
Ins 3.25(9)(c) (c) If a creditor requires a debtor to make any payment for credit life insurance or credit accident and sickness insurance and an individual policy or group certificate of insurance is not issued, the creditor shall immediately give written notice to the debtor that coverage will not be issued and shall promptly make an appropriate credit to the account of the debtor.
Ins 3.25(9)(d) (d) A creditor may not remit and an insurer may not collect on a monthly outstanding balance basis if the insurance charge or premium is included as part of the outstanding indebtedness. If the creditor adds identifiable insurance charges or premiums for credit insurance to the total amount of indebtedness and a direct or indirect finance, carrying, credit or service charge is made to the debtor in connection with the insurance charge, the creditor shall remit and the insurer shall collect on a single premium basis only.
Ins 3.25(9)(e) (e) Dividends on participating individual policies of credit insurance shall be payable to the individual insureds. Payment of these dividends may be deferred until the policy is terminated.
Ins 3.25(9)(f) (f) Each individual policy or group certificate shall provide that in the event of termination of the insurance prior to the scheduled maturity date of the indebtedness any refund of an amount paid by the debtor for insurance shall be paid or credited promptly to the person entitled to the refund. The policy certificate may prescribe a minimum refund of $1 and no refund of a lesser amount need be made. The sum of the refunds due on all credit life insurance or credit accident and sickness insurance being terminated in connection with the indebtedness and all other credits due to the customer under chs. 421 to 427, Stats., shall be used to determine if a refund is due.
Ins 3.25(9)(g) (g) Schedules for computing refunds in the event of cancellation of credit life or credit accident and sickness insurance prior to the scheduled maturity date of coverage shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Ins 3.25(9)(g)1. 1. For the following coverages paid for on a single premium or single charge basis, the refund shall be equal to or greater than the unearned gross premium or charge amount computed by the “sum of the digits" methods, commonly referred to as the “Rule of 78:"
Ins 3.25(9)(g)1.a. a. Credit life insurance that decreases by a uniform amount each month until the amount becomes zero;
Ins 3.25(9)(g)1.b. b. Credit life insurance providing coverage for the full term of an indebtedness that is repayable in substantially equal installments with coverage amounts that equal or approximate the actual or net scheduled amount necessary to liquidate the indebtedness; and
Ins 3.25(9)(g)1.c. c. Credit accident and sickness insurance with substantially equal monthly benefit amounts and with insurance coverage and maximum benefit periods that are coterminous.
Ins 3.25(9)(g)2. 2. For credit life insurance or credit accident and sickness insurance paid for on a monthly outstanding balance basis, the refund shall be equal to or greater than the pro rata unearned gross premium or charge.
Ins 3.25(9)(g)3. 3. For all coverages not described in subds. 1. and 2., the refund shall be equal to or greater than that based on the actuarial method, which is the prepaid premium or charge for scheduled benefits subsequent to the actual date of coverage termination computed at the schedule of premium rates or charges applicable to the coverage when it was effected.
Ins 3.25 Note Note: Examples of these coverages include truncated credit life insurance and floating critical period credit disability insurance.
Ins 3.25(9)(g)4. 4. Refunds shall be based on the number of full months prepaid from the actual date of coverage termination to the scheduled maturity date of coverage, counting a fractional month of 16 days or more as a full month.
Ins 3.25(9)(g)5. 5. Upon termination of indebtedness repayable in a single sum prior to scheduled maturity date, the refund shall be computed from the date of termination to the maturity date. If less than 16 days of a loan month has been earned, no charge may be made for that loan month, but if 16 days or more has been earned, a full month may be charged.
Ins 3.25(9)(h) (h) If an insured's indebtedness is transferred to another creditor, any group credit life insurance or group credit accident and sickness insurance issued on that indebtedness may be continued, but the creditor policyholder shall advise the insurer of each transfer within 30 days of its effective date.
Ins 3.25(9)(i) (i) Voluntary prepayment of indebtedness. If a debtor prepays the indebtedness other than as a result of death or through a lump sum disability payment:
Ins 3.25(9)(i)1. 1. Any credit life insurance covering this indebtedness shall be terminated and an appropriate refund of the credit life insurance premium shall be paid to the debtor; and
Ins 3.25(9)(i)2. 2. Any credit accident and sickness insurance covering this indebtedness shall be terminated and an appropriate refund of the credit accident and sickness insurance premium shall be paid to the debtor. If a claim under such coverage is in progress at the time of prepayment, the amount of refund may be determined as if the prepayment did not occur until the payment of benefits terminates. No refund need be paid during any period of disability for which credit accident and sickness benefits are payable. A refund shall be computed as if prepayment occurred at the end of the disability period.
Ins 3.25(9)(j) (j) Involuntary prepayment of indebtedness. If an indebtedness is prepaid by the proceeds of a credit life insurance policy covering the debtor or by a lump sum payment of a disability claim under a credit insurance policy covering the debtor, then it shall be the responsibility of the insurer to see that the following are paid to the insured debtor, if living, or the beneficiary, other than the creditor named by the debtor, or to the debtor's estate:
Ins 3.25(9)(j)1. 1. In the case of prepayment by the proceeds of a credit life insurance policy, or by the proceeds of a lump sum total and permanent disability benefit under credit life coverage, an appropriate refund of the credit accident and sickness insurance premium;
Ins 3.25(9)(j)2. 2. In the case of prepayment by a lump sum disability payment under credit accident and sickness coverage, an appropriate refund of the credit life insurance premium;
Ins 3.25(9)(j)3. 3. In either case, the amount of the benefits in excess of the amount required to repay the indebtedness after crediting any unearned interest or finance charges.
Ins 3.25(10) (10) Claims and examination procedures.
Ins 3.25(10)(a) (a) All claims shall be reported to the insurer or its designated claim representative promptly, and the insurer shall maintain adequate claim files. All claims shall be settled as soon as possible and in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract.
Ins 3.25(10)(b) (b) All claims shall be paid either by a draft drawn upon the insurer or by a check of the insurer to the order of the claimant to whom payment of the claim is due pursuant to the policy provisions, or upon direction of such claimant to another specified person.
Ins 3.25(10)(c) (c) No plan or arrangement shall be used in which any person, firm or corporation other than the insurer or its designated claim representative shall be authorized to settle or adjust claims. The creditor shall not be designated as claim representative for the insurer in adjusting claims but a group policyholder may, by arrangement with the group insurer, draw drafts or checks in payment of claims due to the group policyholder subject to audit and review by the insurer. This paragraph shall not be construed to relieve the insurer of the responsibility for proper settlement, adjustment and payment of all claims in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract and this section.
Ins 3.25(10)(d) (d) The insurer shall make a good faith examination of each credit life and credit accident and sickness insurance account in the first year of the account and annually thereafter. The examination shall be made to assure that the creditor is conducting the insurance program in compliance with the policy provisions, the insurer's administrative instructions furnished the creditor to implement the insurance program, and with the applicable credit insurance law and regulation of Wisconsin. The examination must include verification of the accuracy of the computation of premium payments, insurance charges made to debtors, and claim payments reported to the insurer by the creditor. The insurer shall maintain records of examinations for 2 years.
Ins 3.25(11) (11) Choice of insurer. When credit life insurance or credit accident or sickness insurance is required as additional security for any indebtedness, the debtor shall, upon request to the creditor, have the option of furnishing the required amount of insurance through existing policies of insurance owned or controlled by the debtor or of procuring and furnishing the required coverage through any insurer authorized to transact insurance business within this state.
Ins 3.25(12) (12) Credit insurance premium rate filings.
Ins 3.25(12)(a) (a) Every credit insurer shall file with the commissioner every maximum premium rate schedule applicable to credit life or credit accident and sickness insurance in this state at least 30 days before the proposed effective date.
Ins 3.25(12)(b) (b) The benefits provided under a credit life or credit accident and sickness insurance form shall be presumed to be reasonable in relation to the premium rate charged if the premium rates filed do not exceed the prima facie premium rate standards set forth in subs. (14) and (15) and if the forms provide benefits which are no more restrictive than the coverage standards enumerated in subs. (14) and (15).
Ins 3.25(12)(c) (c) Nothing in this subsection shall preclude an insurer from requesting approval of the commissioner for premium rates higher or lower than the prima facie rate standards on the basis of the credible mortality or morbidity actually experienced or reasonably anticipated.
Ins 3.25(13) (13) Use of prima facie premium rates generally.
Ins 3.25(13)(a) (a) An insurer that files rates or has rates on file that are not in excess of the prima facie rates may use those rates without further proof of their reasonableness.
Ins 3.25(13)(b) (b) The initial prima facie premium rates are as shown in subs. (14) and (15) for the plans and benefits described in these subsections and shall remain in effect through December 31, 1990.
Ins 3.25(13)(bm)1.1. The initial basic loss ratio for credit life insurance, as shown in par. (d), shall remain in effect through December 31, 1995. Effective January 1, 1996, the commissioner shall adopt a basic loss ratio for credit life insurance that reflects a specific allowance for expenses. The expense factor adopted effective January 1, 1996, shall remain effective for a period of ten (10) years. At the end of ten (10) years the factor will be reviewed for possible adjustment.
Ins 3.25(13)(bm)2. 2. This new loss ratio and the resultant new prima facie credit life premium rates shall remain effective until December 31, 1999. Effective January 1, 2000, the credit life premium rates shall be subject to adjustment every three years as outlined in par. (c). These periodic adjustments of the credit life premium rates shall only be based on differences in claim costs. Any new basic loss ratio resulting from a change in claim costs will be provided with the written notice of the prima facie premium rates to be used for the next three-year period.
Ins 3.25(13)(c) (c) On or before October 1, 1990, and each 3 years after that, except that the initial prima facie credit life rates adopted under par. (bm) shall remain effective until December 31, 1999, the commissioner shall give written notice to all authorized insurers specifying the prima facie premium rates to be effective for the three-year period beginning on the next January 1. Such rates shall be determined based on experience data submitted by all insurers pursuant to sub. (19) for the immediately preceding 3 calendar years and shall be calculated as follows:
Ins 3.25(13)(c)1. 1. For each category of coverage specified in par. (d) or (e), total prima facie earned premium and total incurred claims shall be calculated for each year for all insurers.
Ins 3.25(13)(c)2. 2. If, for any category of coverage, the prima facie premium rate in effect at any time during the three-year period differs from that in effect at the end of of the three-year period, prima facie premiums for that category of coverage shall be adjusted to reflect what the prima facie premium would have been if the prima facie premium rate in effect at the end of the three-year period had been in effect throughout the full three-year period;
Ins 3.25(13)(c)3. 3. For each category of coverage, the resulting data are summed separately for the total 3 years for prima facie earned premium and for incurred claims;
Ins 3.25(13)(c)4. 4. The credit life insurance adjustment factor is determined as follows:
Ins 3.25(13)(c)4.a. a. Total credit life insurance data are computed by summing the data for single life coverage and joint life coverage separately for prima facie earned premium and for incurred claims;
Ins 3.25(13)(c)4.b. b. Total credit life insurance incurred claims are divided by total credit life insurance prima facie earned premiums to determine the credit life insurance loss ratio at prima facie rates, rounded to 3 decimal places; and
Ins 3.25(13)(c)4.c. c. Prior to January 1, 1996, the credit life insurance loss ratio at prima facie rates is divided by the basic loss ratio for credit life insurance. The quotient, rounded to 2 decimal places, is the credit life insurance adjustment factor; and
Ins 3.25(13)(c)4.d. d. Effective January 1, 1996, and thereafter, the single premium uniformly decreasing single life credit life insurance prima facie rate is the quotient of the following formula rounded to 2 decimal places: - See PDF for diagram PDF
where Claim Costs are calculated by dividing total credit life insurance incurred claims by total credit life insurance prima facie earned premiums and multiplying the result by the current prima facie rate, rounded to 3 decimal places, and the other factors in the formula remain fixed until changed as outlined in par. (bm).
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5. 5. The credit accident and sickness insurance adjustment factor is determined using the same procedure specified in subd. 4., except that:
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5.a. a. Data for the specifically described categories of credit accident and sickness insurance are summed separately for prima facie earned premium and for incurred claims;
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5.b. b. A composite credit accident and sickness insurance basic loss ratio is computed as the average of the basic loss ratio for each category of coverage weighted by the corresponding proportionate amount of prima facie earned premium for that category of coverage; and
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5.c. c. If the quotient of the credit accident and sickness loss ratio at prima facie rates divided by the composite credit accident and sickness basic loss ratio is greater than .95 and less than 1.05, the credit accident and sickness adjustment factor shall be 1.00.
Ins 3.25(13)(c)6. 6. Prior to January 1, 1996, for single premium uniformly decreasing single life credit life insurance coverage, the new prima facie premium rate per $100 of initial indebtedness per year equals the prima facie premium rate then in effect multiplied by the credit life insurance adjustment factor, rounded to the nearest cent. Effective January 1, 1996, this rate will be the rate calculated under subd. 4. d. This new prima facie premium rate is then multiplied by the following factors to derive the new prima facie premium rate for the indicated plan:
Ins 3.25(13)(c)6.a. a. 1.85 for the single premium rate per $100 per year for level coverage on a single life, rounded to the nearest cent; or
Ins 3.25(13)(c)6.b. b. 1.54 for the monthly premium rate per $1,000 outstanding balance coverage, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent.
Ins 3.25(13)(c)7. 7. For credit accident and sickness coverage, the new prima facie premium rate per $100 initial coverage for each category of coverage and for each duration equals the then currently effective prima facie premium rate per $100 for the same category of coverage and duration multiplied by the credit accident and sickness insurance adjustment factor, rounded to the nearest cent.
Ins 3.25(13)(d) (d) The initial basic loss ratio for credit life insurance shall be .50. The basic loss ratio for credit accident and sickness insurance shall vary by plan as follows:
Ins 3.25(13)(d)1. 1. 14 days retroactive waiting period—.60
Ins 3.25(13)(d)2. 2. 14 days nonretroactive elimination period—.59
Ins 3.25(13)(d)3. 3. 30 days retroactive waiting period—.57
Ins 3.25(13)(d)4. 4. 30 days nonretroactive elimination period—.52
Ins 3.25(13)(e) (e) If a form provides for plans or benefits that differ from those described in subs. (14) and (15), the insurer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commissioner that the premium rate or schedule of premium rates applicable to the form will or may reasonably be expected to achieve the applicable basic loss ratio or such other loss ratio as may be determined by the commissioner to be consistent with s. 424.209, Stats., or that the rate or rates are actuarially consistent with the prima facie premium rates.
Ins 3.25(14) (14) Prima facie credit life insurance premium rates.
Ins 3.25(14)(a) (a) If premiums are payable monthly on the outstanding insured balance basis for term insurance on a single insured debtor, the initial prima facie premium rate shall be $0.616 per month per $1,000 of outstanding insured indebtedness.
Ins 3.25(14)(b) (b) If premiums are payable on a single premium basis for straight-line decreasing term insurance on a single insured debtor, the initial prima facie premium rate shall be $0.40 per annum per $100 of initial insured indebtedness.
Ins 3.25(14)(c) (c) If premiums are payable on a single premium basis for level term insurance on a single insured debtor, the initial prima facie premium rate shall be $0.74 per annum per $100 of initial insured indebtedness.
Ins 3.25(14)(d) (d) The prima facie premium rate for credit life insurance providing coverage on 2 lives with respect to a single indebtedness shall be 150% of the corresponding single life prima facie premium rate until December 31, 1990, and shall be 167% of the corresponding single life prima facie premium rate on and after January 1, 1991.
Ins 3.25(14)(e) (e) The prima facie rates shall apply to all policies providing credit life insurance which are offered to all debtors.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)1. 1. For initial amounts of credit life insurance in excess of $15,000, if evidence of individual insurability is not required, the policy shall contain no exclusion for pre-existing conditions except for those conditions which manifested themselves to the insured debtor by requiring medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, or would have caused a reasonably prudent person to have sought medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, within 6 months preceding the effective date of coverage and which causes loss within 6 months following the effective date of coverage. Under open-end credit plans, the effective date of coverage applies separately with respect to each purchase or loan to which the coverage relates.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2. 2. Whether or not evidence of insurability is required the policy shall contain:
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2.a. a. No suicide exclusions other than suicide within one year of the effective date of coverage. Under open-end credit plans, the effective date of coverage applies separately with respect to each purchase or loan to which the coverage relates;
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2.b. b. Either no age restrictions, or age restrictions making ineligible for coverage debtors not less than age 65 or over at the time the indebtedness is incurred, or debtors who will have attained at least age 66 on the maturity date of the indebtedness. Insurance written in connection with an open-end credit plan may exclude from the classes eligible for insurance, classes of debtors determined by age, and may provide for the cessation of the insurance or a reduction in the amount of insurance upon attainment of not less than age 65.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2.c. c. At the option of the insurer and in lieu of a pre-existing condition exclusion, for monthly outstanding balance premium coverage on open-end credit transactions, a provision limiting the amount of insurance payable on death due to natural causes to the balance of the loan as it existed 6 months prior to the date of death if there have been one or more increases in the outstanding insured balance of the loan during such 6 months period and if evidence of individual insurability is not required at the time of the increase in the amount of insurance.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)3. 3. Credit life insurance provided on debts where the initial amount of credit life insurance would be $15,000, or less, shall be provided on a guaranteed issue basis, provided that the debtor is not ineligible for coverage due to age. The insurer may also use the preexisting conditions and suicide exclusions appearing in subds. 1. and 2. a., respectively.
Ins 3.25(14)(f) (f) Evidence of insurability may be based either on questions relating to specific health history or based on an objective test such as active full-time work.
Ins 3.25(15) (15) Prima facie credit accident and sickness premium rates.
Ins 3.25(15)(a)(a) The initial credit accident and sickness prima facie premium rates for the insured portion of an indebtedness repayable in equal monthly installments, where the insured portion of the indebtedness decreases uniformly by the amount of the monthly installment paid, shall be as set forth in subds. 1. and 2.
Ins 3.25(15)(a)1. 1. As set forth in Appendix A, if premiums are payable on a single premium basis for the duration of the coverage; or
Ins 3.25(15)(a)2. 2. If premiums are paid on the basis of a premium rate per month per $1,000 of outstanding insured indebtedness, these premiums shall be computed according to a formula approved by the commissioner as producing a rate or rates actuarially consistent with the single premium prima facie premium rates.
Ins 3.25(15)(b) (b) The prima facie rates shall apply to policies providing credit accident and sickness insurance which are issued with or without evidence of insurability, and which are offered to all debtors.
Ins 3.25(15)(b)1. 1. If evidence of individual insurability is not required there shall be no exclusion for pre-existing conditions, except for those conditions which manifested themselves to the insured debtor by requiring medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, or would have caused a reasonably prudent person to have sought medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, within 6 months preceding the effective date of coverage and which causes loss within 6 months following the effective date of coverage. Under open-end credit plans, the effective date of coverage applies separately with respect to each purchase or loan to which the coverage relates;
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2. 2. Whether or not evidence of insurability is required the policy shall contain:
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2.a. a. No provision which excludes or restricts liability in the event of disability caused in a certain specified manner except that the policies may contain provisions excluding or restricting coverage in the event of normal pregnancy, intentionally self-inflicted injuries, flight in nonscheduled aircraft, war, military service or foreign travel or residence.
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2.b. b. Either no age restrictions, or age restrictions making ineligible for coverage debtors not less than age 65 or over at the time the indebtedness is incurred, or debtors who will have attained at least age 66 on the maturity date of the indebtedness. Insurance written in connection with an open-end credit plan may exclude from the classes eligible for insurance classes of debtors determined by age, and may provide for the cessation of the insurance or a reduction in the amount of insurance upon attainment of not less than age 65.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.